Holland Road Elementary

Wednesday, February 21, we invite our students to wear pink for an aerial photograph/video with a drone to promote Pink Shirt Day.

A photography/videography team from Communications Nova Scotia will be out on our field on Wednesday morning, between recess and lunch. The concept is to get students and staff in a circle and have a small group in a heart shape in the middle. Students and staff will be out on the snow covered field for about 10 minutes so a long sleeved shirt under the pink shirt/jacket is recommended.

The photos and video are being done to be used in government publications, but may also be used in other publications, including news media. Those students without signed media release forms, will not be in the photo.

We are doing this prior to National Pink Shirt Day, which is on Feb. 28th so that it is ready to be used to highlight the upcoming event. National Pink Shirt Day raises awareness about the prevention of bullying and promoting kindness and inclusion.