What's Happening @HRES - Oct. 6
What’s Happening at HRES – Oct. 6
Fire Prevention Week – Oct. 8 - 14
This year's campaign theme, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention™,” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe when cooking.
For more information, including details about a Fire Prevention Week contest, please visit the HRM Fire Prevention Week website. Children (and adults) will have the opportunity to win prize packages after correctly answering quiz questions.
Updating Student Information - IMPORTANT
We have a number of families that need to complete the demographic update form sent on Sept. 19. Please ensure we have updated information on file by checking that all sections are correct and completed. Once we have everyone’s information we can then prepare necessary reports i.e. early dismissal information, medical and media release consents
Terry Fox Run Donations
Our school raised $275 from online donations for the Terry Fox Run that took place Sept. 22. Thank you!
Poinsettia Fundraiser
As a reminder, the poinsettia fundraiser ends Monday. To order, log into SchoolCash or share the link:https://hrce.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/19166/319/False/True
If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please park at the bottom of the hill and walk them up (or they can walk themselves up)! It is for safety, since there have been close calls in the past, and staff need space to park.
October is Mi’Kmaq History Month
October is Mi’kmaq History Month and the theme for this year is Mi’kmaw Traditional Games & Sports (a nod to the recent North American Indigenous Games).
Last week we began important conversations as we discussed Truth and Reconciliation, and learned the history of “Orange Shirt Day”. We will continue to learn about our country’s Indigenous People, and our own Mi’kmaq neighbors throughout the month of October, and all year. With truth and understanding comes healing and growth.
Family Flu Shot Clinic
We are hosting a Family Flu Shot Clinic on October 30 from 2 to 6pm. We will send more information soon on how to sign up.
Upcoming Dates
Oct. 9: Thanksgiving – No School
Oct. 25: Bus evacuation drills
Oct. 26: Halloween Howl
Oct. 27: Provincial Conference Day – No School
Your Admin Team,
Kellie West & Diana Trider