Holland Road Elementary

What's Happening at HRES - March 28

What’s Happening at HRES – March 28, 2022

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair ends Sun. Apr 3 
The Virtual Book Fair is a fantastic way to continue to give our students access to the books they want to read. We’re excited that you will be able to shop together, selecting the books that inspire your children, from the comfort of home.  All purchases benefit our school and earn rewards that can be redeemed for books for our school’s classrooms and library.  Visit our school’s Virtual Book Fair site using this link:   

Student Progress Interviews and Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home on Wed. Apr 6 and Student Progress Interviews (Parent/Teacher Interviews) will take place on Thurs. Apr. 7.  You will receive information towards the end of the week on booking a time. 
We are strongly encouraging parents to choose a virtual/phone interview as we transition and pivot to the lifting of restrictions.  If you feel that an in-person interview is necessary, please reach out to your child’s teacher keeping in mind that masks are required in school.

The Great Big Crunch
On Wednesday, March 30, we will celebrate the Great Big Crunch. This event celebrates the importance of healthy food in schools and highlights the availability of locally grown apples all year round. The HRCE Healthy Schools Communities Team has provided funding to purchase apples for everyone and we will simultaneously bite into our apples after the count down.

Safe Arrival
If your child is going to be absent or late, please call the Safe Arrival number at 902-860-6039.  This is open 24 hours so you can call anytime.

Excel Registration
If you are interested in Excel for the next school year, please click on the link for information on registration.