Holland Road Elementary

*** Spring Fling: Friday June 7th, 2024 ***

Starting at 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  This Year’s Spring Fling is fast approaching!  The tickets will be sold 20 for $10.00.  Tickets will be used for everything with the exception of the food trucks!  The PTA is excited for games, the popular cake walk, silent auction, a variety of food options, bouncers, and snow cones!

To help make this event possible we are asking for donations of the following:

Cake / Cupcake Walk – We are asking families to support us by either bringing a cake or cupcakes on the day before or day of the spring fling for our cake/cupcake walk.  See the volunteer link below.  If you aren’t a baker or short on time - no worries, you can make a donation in SchoolCash and we will make the purchase!

PRIZES - Don’t forget it’s that time of year again to clean out all of those little toys, Pokémon cards, and all things that you want out of your house for the prize table!!  Send in your items with your child or drop off at the office.

Silent Auction – The Silent Auction is a really fun part of the Spring Fling. We would love to accept any items you would like to donate to the silent auction. For any questions or donations  please contact Ashley Pearn at ashleyannepearn@gmail.com or Katherine at katherine@feelslikehomens.com

Volunteers Needed!

As always all of this would not be possible without the fantastic volunteers! We are certainly looking for many hands to help again this year!  Here’s the link to sign up and help:  https://volunteersignup.org/AXD4M

Thanking you for your anticipated support.