Holiday Season Support: SchoolsPlus may be able to help you access food and/or gift support for the upcoming holiday season. If you need support, send an email ASAP to Melanie.bryden@hrce.ca
Student Progress Conferences: Our Student Progress Conferences will take place on Wednesday, December 4 from 5:00-7:00 and Thursday, December 5 from 1:00-3:00. Please note that there will be no school for students on Dec. 5 as teachers will also be involved in professional learning that morning. Families may book a conference time starting on Thursday, November 28. Please see the attachment for information and the link to book your time. Progress Conference Information.pdf
N.S. School Lunch Program: If you haven’t had a chance to explore the NS School Lunch website, click on the link, https://nslunch.ca/ Here is the link to Frequently Asked Questions, and the ordering calendar for your convenience.
Holland Road Holiday Bazaar – Friday, December 13: For families new to our school, this is an event organized by our PTA and students can purchase items for their immediate family for the holiday season. The gym will be transformed into a shopping bazaar with tables full of donated items, which students can purchase for a nominal fee. The PTA will be looking for donations and volunteers this day. Stay tuned for more information!
Your Admin Team,
Kellie & Diana