What’s Happening at HRES – Sept. 19

What's New

The month is quickly flying by!  Please take note of some important information and dates:

Picture Day is on Mon., Sept. 23:   We will be using Bluenose Photography this year and they use a green screen for pictures.  For proofs, the green screen is knocked out to a default background; however, you can choose the background of your choice. For students who love green, they can still wear their favourite green shirt! Bluenose was asked if it should be avoided, and they said wearing green is not an issue. Their only advice is to have your child wear clothes without any text since it can be distracting from their face.  Of course, that's up to you (and your child)!

School Lunch Program:  The provincial lunch program begins during the last week of October and there will be an ordering window several days beforehand.  Once we receive more information, we will be sure to share it with you.  As for now, you check out the provincial website:  https://nslunch.ca/ 

Please note, provincial policy states that we are unable to use any other food vendors for lunch. 

PTA Update: Our PTA met on Mon. Sept 16 and they are looking for a sub-committee for the Halloween Howl on Thursday, October 24 (More details to follow).  If you’d like to keep updated on all events, check out the Holland Road PTA Facebook page. 

Emergency Planning:  We had our first Lockdown drill on Wednesday and our students did great.   As mentioned in the last email, we will be having a Hold And Secure drill next week.

Breakfast Program:  Our Breakfast Program started this week with bins located in every classroom.  Students have access to these bins as they come into school in the morning or if they need an extra snack for recess or lunch.   The bins have items such as granola bars, nutrigrain bars, goldfish crackers, apple sauce and fruit cups.  We also have apples located in several spots throughout the school.

Terry Fox Run:  We will be having our annual Terry Fox Walk and Run during the afternoon of Friday, September 27.  We are collecting donations for the Terry Fox Foundation and if you are able, please consider donating to Holland Road School’s Fundraising Page https://schools.terryfox.ca/HollandRoad

Upcoming Dates:
September 23 – Picture Day

September 27 - Terry Fox Walk/Run

September 27 - Orange Shirt Day

September 30 - Truth and Reconciliation Day observed - No School

October 11 - Professional Development Day for staff - No School for students
October 14 - Thanksgiving - No School today
October 24 - Halloween Howl
October 25 - Provincial Conference Day - No School for students

Thank you to those who noticed the incorrect date in the last email.  Please continue to ask questions, bring up concerns or let us know if you need more information.

Your Admin Team,

Kellie West & Diana Trider