Holland Road Elementary

Concert Info

Dec 10 – Rehearsal Day (No Tickets Required)
Dec 11 – Concert Day (Tickets Required)
9:00am lineup
1. Choir
2. P Barrett
3. 1 Gillis
4. 1 Milliard/Courtney
5. 2/3 James
6. 4 Sangster
7. 4/5 Thibeau
8. 6 Robertson
12:00pm lineup
1. Choir
2. P Sutherland
3. P/1 Wisen
4. 2 Wagg
5. 3 Chaban/Sinclair
6. 3/4 Stewart
7. 5 MacDonald
8. 6 Bond

We are asking any parents who are able to remain at the end to assist us in stacking chairs.

Concert admission is a food bank donation.

We are sending two tickets per family as we have a limited gym capacity and fire regulations to follow. A letter with the tickets will be sent home prior to the date.