Holland Road Elementary

What's Happening at HRES - Sept. 13

What’s Happening at Holland Road Elementary– September 13, 2022

School Pictures: As a reminder, picture day is tomorrow morning.  This year, students will have their picture taken in front of a green screen.  You will have 8 background selections on the proof to choose from.

EMP Drills: As part of our Emergency Management Plan, we practice fire drills, lockdown drills and a hold and secure drill. We practice these drills to ensure our school remains a safe place for teaching and learning. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

During a Lockdown Drill, the teachers will teach the children how to move quietly in their classroom to a safe place and remain calm. The students remain inside the classroom until instructed by the teacher to resume their activities. Furthermore, all interior and exterior doors are locked and no one is permitted to enter or leave the building. During a Hold and Secure Drill the students remain inside their classroom and resume their activities. All interior and exterior doors are locked and no one is permitted to enter or leave the building. 

Please be assured that lockdown drills are something that we will be doing with sensitivity so that students aren’t frightened.  Our first drill will take place on Wednesday, September 20. Please find attached the information that teachers may use to prepare their students for a Lockdown Drill. Our first Hold and Secure Drill will take place on Wednesday, September 27. 

Terry Fox Run:  We will be having our annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 23.  You can make a donation on behalf of Holland Road Elementary by clicking on the link:  https://terryfoxschoolrun.org/   (There’s no obligation to do so – there are many expenses at this time of year! )

SIP Student Accident Insurance:  Please see the attachment for more information.