

What’s Happening at HRES – Nov. 25

Holiday Season Support:  SchoolsPlus may be able to help you access food and/or gift support for the upcoming holiday season.


Poinsettia Pick-up

If you ordered a poinsettia from our PTA they will be available for pickup on Wednesday November 20th, from 4-6pm and Thursday November 21st from 2-6pm.


Dismissal Changes

Dismissal Changes:  If there is a change in dismissal, the best way to ensure we get the message is to send in a note.  If you send an email to your child’s teacher, there is a possibility they may be absent and not get it or if it’s sent during t


What’s Happening at HRES – Nov. 6

Remembrance Day Assembly:  We will be having a Remembrance Day Assembly tomorrow afternoon at 12:00 and students are invited to wear their uniforms if they are in Sparks, Embers, Guides, Beavers or Cubs.


Thank you Forest Nova Scotia who has donated 300 seedlings to Holland Road Elementary as part of their #OurTreesNS campaign. The goal is to distribute and plant 20 000 trees to contribute to forest conservation.

Each student will receive a seedling to take home

Whats New

What’s Happening at HRES – Oct. 22

Halloween Howl:  We’re getting closer to the Halloween Howl and students are getting excited!  In case you missed the pre


Nova Scotia School Lunch Program

The following was sent to eligible HRCE families on October 17, 2024.

It’s almost time to order school lunches!


What’s Happening at HRES – Oct. 17

Picture Re-takes:  For students who have sent in a re-take form, there will be picture re-takes on Monday October 21st. If you have not done so, please email the classroom teacher with the request.